Sunday, October 23, 2011

Vision of Hatred by Raffaele Picca - What I Liked This Week

Each week I'm going to try to pick what I liked, or what stood out to me and share it with everyone. I figure this will help me learn a bit more about the hobby and the people involved in it!

So without further ado!

What truly caught my eye this week, and definitely not only my eye, was the Vision of Hatred, by Raffaele Picca (Picster).

You can see the 360 view here
Give it a rating here and here

And even better, you can visit them @ Massive Voodoo

**I modified the original image posted on CoolMiniorNot for the purpose of easier posting on my blog, the links direct to the original.

I must say, what truly drew me to this piece at first was the wings. The deep blue was memorizing.
The flames were also an eye catcher, their movement is extremely well done, and the color was nothing short of fantastic.

I didn't notice this the first time I looked at the model, but if you look closely at the base you will see the Demon Prince of Tzeentch crushing a Grey Knight Space Marine, which is fitting as I just found out they are bitter enemies and all!

I love the free hand on the chest and shield. It is by no means overpowering the model (which can sometimes happen when including freehand) and extremely clean.

Overall, amazing!

-Mallows out-

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